Sasquatch Sighting, Greenlit
Sasquatch Sighting, Downed Log
Sasquatch Sighting, Alders
Sasquatch Sighting, Up
Sasquatch Sighting, Blurred Grove
Sasquatch Sighting, Snow
Sasquatch Sighting, Stepping Down
Sasquatch Sightings postcards
Sasquatch Sightings calendar
Sasquatch Sighting, Greenlit
Sasquatch Sighting, Greenlit

Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sighting, Downed Log
Sasquatch Sighting, Downed Log

Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sighting, Alders
Sasquatch Sighting, Alders

Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sighting, Up
Sasquatch Sighting, Up

Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sighting, Blurred Grove
Sasquatch Sighting, Blurred Grove

Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sighting, Snow
Sasquatch Sighting, Snow

Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sighting, Stepping Down
Sasquatch Sighting, Stepping Down

Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sightings postcards
Sasquatch Sightings postcards

Set of 6 postcards
wrapper design & illustration by Lorna Leedy
Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009

Sasquatch Sightings calendar
Sasquatch Sightings calendar

2012 twelve month calendar
Photos by Lorna Leedy, Gina Coffman & Seth Damm
capturing glimpses of the elusive Sasquatch
Photographed with motion-activated game cameras
printed by Publicide

near Mount Rainier, WA. 2009